Tumblr was bought by Yahoo in May 2013, and since the acquisition, the social network has been doing better than ever before.
Today, Yahoo held its Q4 2013 earnings call, and while many companies simply hold a conference call and issue a press release, the tech giant tweets details along the way.
Since March 2013, Tumblr users have increased over 30 percent, and mobile monthly users have increased over 50 percent.
Since March 2013, overall @Tumblr users have grown more than 30%, mobile monthly users have grown more than 50%. $YHOO
— Yahoo Inc. (@YahooInc) January 28, 2014
Thanks to the increase in users, time spent has increased nearly 50 percent year-over-year.
Overall, we have seen some encouraging growth metrics on @Tumblr. Time spent on @Tumblr has grown almost 50% year-over-year. $YHOO
— Yahoo Inc. (@YahooInc) January 28, 2014
On average, a Tumblr post is reblogged 14 times, and a Sponsored Post over 10,000 times.
The average Tumblr post is reblogged 14 times. The average sponsored post (Tumblr name for a Native Ad) is reblogged more than 10,000 times
— Yahoo Inc. (@YahooInc) January 28, 2014
Earlier this month, Tumblr launched the ability to mention other users, and as evidenced by the latest results, the social network has a lot to offer advertisers.