Facebook Leads Revenue Per Visit, Tumblr Is Close Behind And Growing

Facebook Still Leads RPV

While Facebook may still lead for revenue per visit, social network and blogging platform Tumblr is quickly growing its own revenue per visit and has nearly surpassed the social network giant.

Adobe on Tuesday released its Q4 2013 Social Media Intelligence Report, and revealed that Tumblr’s RPV increased by 340% year-over-year.

Social RPV Year Over Year Increase

In the chart (shown above) the blue bars represent Q4 2013 and the gray bar is based on Q4 2012 numbers. As you can see Facebook’s RPV rose from $0.71 to $1.22 (72% growth) and Tumblr’s RPV leaps from $0.25 to $1.10.

While Twitter and Pinterest are still below a $1 RPV they grew by 131% and 244% respectively.

With Facebook showing only a 72% growth in its RPV investors are likely to feel a bit weary about the company’s growth potential in the near-term. Facebook faces a dilemma in which the company can only show so many ads without over populating the news feed and other areas of its products.

Facebook faces another problem, in that referral traffic from the site has also been on the decline, while competitors including Pinterest and Twitter continue to gain ground.

Share of Social Referred Visits

The Adobe report did reveal that Facebook’s ad click through rate (CTR) is up 365 percent year-over-year and the company’s CPM increased by 437 percent over the same time period. The company’s CPCs remained even year-over-year with a modest 29% increase during the holiday season extending from October 2013 through end-of-year. Facebook also improved its ad click volume by 125 percent. While volume was up, Facebook was also serving a larger user base which helps explain the decline in per visit numbers based on volume.

Facebook continues to win the brand war with social engagement for companies increasing by 180 percent year-over year. Brand impressions also increased by 150 percent.

Adobe also offers a quick tip for Brands. Images inside of posts yielded a 650% increase in engagement over regular text-based posts. Link, text, and video posts yielded a lower return.

Social Engagement Growth and Type

I can’t say I’m surprised by the numbers, there is a point when “Liking” something on a page doesn’t hold the same weight it used to. Who honestly has the time to look at every single thing their friends “Like.” I find myself navigating to several of the same sources to read interesting pieces of information and then ignoring most of the other social engagement on my Facebook page.



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