Town deploys ‘Monster Wolf’ robots to dissuade wild bears


A town has stationed robot wolves to scurry off bears that have become a progressively dangerous botheration in the countryside.

On the northern island of Hokkaido, the town of Takikawa bought and erected a pair of bots after bears were spotted roaming neighborhoods months back. Since, there have been no bear clashes, according to city officials. Sightings of bears are at a 5-year high, primarily in rural areas in northern and western Japan, various news outlets have confirmed. In 2020, so far there have been dozens of ambushes, two of them fatal, provoking the government to convoke an emergency meeting in October to address the risk they pose.

The robot dubbed Monster Wolf consists of intense, glowing red eyes, a blond mane, and a shaggy body on four legs. When the Monster Wolf’s motion detectors are deployed, it flashes lights, moves its head, and generates 60 different sounds ranging from machinery noises to wolfish howling. Since 2018, Ohta Seiki, a machinery maker, has sold roughly 70 robots.

Prior to being hunted to extinction more than one hundred years ago, the real Japanese wolf gallivanted the northern and central islands of the country. The bears become more dangerous and involved as they seek out food prior to settling into hibernation in late November, said Takikawa city officials. According to local reporters, a reduction of nuts and acorns in the wild in 2020 may have prompt the bears to wander closer to towns in search of victuals.


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