With all these daredevil tourists walking around and uploading their stupidit– er, “adventures” on social media, one might think that 2018 has officially become the year of putting-yourself-in-danger-for-online-attention. While these types of people have existed before the internet, it is probably fair to assume that they have gotten more daring because of social media. We have yet again another one, this time a tourist who sat on a hungry crocodile.
22-year-old Niels Jensen from Denmark has recently gone viral for all the negative reasons. Jensen went to visit a wildlife park in Darwin, Australia and came across a saltwater crocodile. Most people would just leave the beast alone in peace, but Jensen had other things in mind. He took a wallaby carcass and distracted the crocodile with it, just so Jensen could straddle the back of the croc. Here’s the video, courtesy of Caters Clips:
The crocodile was also quite big at around 4.7m (15ft) long and weighing 653kg (1428 lbs). However, the croc, instead of biting Jensen’s head off, was too preoccupied with the wallaby, and so Jensen got away with it, unbelievable right? Why did he do it? Because he can and he liked it, Jensen even said that “In my opinion, I am just doing what I like. But not many people understand why I’m doing it. Most of them call me a little crazy for traveling Down Under to wrestle with crocodiles.” Apparently, he “knows” what he’s doing, like any other wildlife tourist out there.
However, Australia’s department of tourism and culture did not share Jensen’s enthusiasm for being a wannabe Steve Irwin or Crocodile Dundee. Their representative Tracey Duldig said in response that “The behavior shown in this video is dangerous and reckless and we do not support this type of interaction with crocodiles.” Jensen is also being investigated for what he did, though he was also safe and is probably ready to do it again.