A passenger has been kicked off a domestic flight after attempting to enter the cockpit to charge his mobile phone.

The Indian man, who some media reports said was inebriated, tried to come into the cockpit while the plane readied to take off for Kolkata from the western city of Mumbai.
“While an IndiGo aircraft was on the ground, an unruly passenger tried to enter the cockpit stating that his mobile needs to be charged,” a statement from the airline noted.

He was yanked from the aircraft and handed over to law enforcement “on grounds of a security violation”, IndiGo explained.
Police interviewed the man but released him soon after.

It is the second such incident this week.
On Monday, a passenger on board a flight from Delhi to the Bihar state capital Patna was sighted trying to open the rear door of the airplane while it was in mid-air. Another passenger lifted the emergency alarm and the man was stopped by the crew. He was handed over to awaiting cops in Patna.
Flight attendants have often written to local media about the entitlement mentality of affluent Indian passengers in particular.
“They think they can get away with anything,” attendant Sanchita Nanda emphasized to the press. “If a male passenger likes your face, he keeps on ringing the call-bell, or if you give him a cup, he tries to touch your hand first.”