This Guy Loves His Bird, And Vice Versa; They Even Had A Trip To Spain Together

Photo by Pixabay

What is love by the way? Certainly not just a four-letter word that humans use to describe intense chemical reactions in their bodies and brains. Otherwise, this awesome story of love and friendship we are about to present would not have been available. Behold, Johann and Gaia, human and bird, respectively.

Photo by The Dodo

These two love each other. No, not like husband and wife mind you, but more like father and daughter. You see, Gaia is a wild bird who was rescued by Johann a long time ago. Johann took care of her and expected Gaia to be on her way once she was healthy enough to fly on her own. However, by some random miracle of nature, she did not and even decided to stay with Johann. Here is their video below.

It really is getting harder to define what love is, especially when it transcends species and not just human beings. Johann and Gaia just recently had their trip to Spain, and throughout Johann’s journey, Gaia stayed loyally close by him. Every time she flew away, she always came back to him. It’s also not like Johann kept Gaia for himself, he did admit that he always wanted to let Gaia free in nature.

Photo by The Dodo

One day, however, Gaia just left and never came back. Johann was optimistic and liked to think that Gaia went off to start a family of her own. We, however, can’t help but feel heartbroken, as for why nature can be heartless sometimes, we may never know. Hopefully, Gaia comes back some day to Johann with his grandchicks.

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