We do our share to combat social and Facebook hoaxes here at Social News Daily, and now, you can join the good fight against malevolently designed disinformation with us.
I want you to save the following image to your desktop. I want you to keep it battle-ready. When you see someone fall for a hoax, I want you to share it with them. When you fall for a hoax I want you, in good faith, to share it yourself.
Remember your training. Each social or Facebook hoax has its unique nuances, but a couple of general rules apply to almost all of them:
- Lack of reputable source: We’re not even talking about snopes (which is awesome), we’re talking about any link to a place you’ve actually heard of that’s not The Onion. Follow a story’s links until you get to the source. Google the topic to see if it has received wide coverage, or if anyone has confirmed the story.
- The “About” page: Check out a site that a story is coming from. The “About” section will declare whether the news you’re reading is meant for satirical or entertainment purposes.
- Memes are lies: Almost every single political meme you see is tailored to affirm confirmation bias, and thus, paints a very arbitrary (read: dishonest) picture about the actual data it claims to represent.
- Begging for shares: Any post that begs for shares, comments, likes and clicks is a scam 99% of the time.
- Personal information: Any post that asks for personal information of any kind in order to view its promised content is probably a phishing scam.
You can always check Social News Daily for the latest social and Facebook hoaxes. Help us keep the internet bullshit-free!