The Five Best Fake Celebrity Twitter Accounts

These are the fake celebrity Twitter accounts that you can't not follow, from presidents to God, the people behind these accounts have it down.

fake celebrity twitter accounts

The idea for a post about fake celebrity Twitter accounts is one that I’ve been sitting on for a while, there are so many great ones out there and it’s hard to narrow it down. These are some of the most hilarious, they take the real personalities into account and amplify the qualities that we are familiar with.

5.) John F Kennedy – The first of two playboy presidents on this list.

4.) Friedrice Nietzsche – The 19th Century Philosopher’s fake Twitter account is worth a read, especially if you know anything about him.

3.) Hellen Keller – This account might be a bit off-color but I can’t not follow it.

2.) God – This Twitter account is managed by actor Sean Hayes and is always good for a laugh, unfortunately, he’s not Tweeting very frequently anymore.

1.) Netflix And Bill – This is my all-time favorite, whoever is behind this deserves his own show on Netflix.

Featured Image: [Flickr/Esther Vargas]

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