Texas Woman Asks Facebook Friends to Kill Her Dog

A dog has been rescued from an East Texas family who planned to shoot it.

519ome people yell at their dog when it gets in the trash. Some put it in time-out. Some ask their Facebook friends to come over and shoot it to death. An East Texas woman recently posted a status update to her Facebook page asking her friends to shoot her disobedient dog, assuring them a gun would be provided. “I need someone to come shoot my dog, nobody here has the heart do do it!” she wrote, adding “we will provide the gun!”

When they caught wind of the post, Nicholas Pet Haven in Tyler, Texas took to their social media account to try and rescue the condemned animal. “URGENT FOSTER REQUEST!!!” they posted to their Facebook page, “the owner of this dog is threatening to shoot it because it gets into the trash!!! Is there anyone who can foster this dog so that we can get him out of this terrible situation???”


When a reporter showed up to the house, they were promptly turned  away. “I know how the media works,” said a man who answered the door, “you people are the [expletive] devil!” Animal control officers later arrived, and the family released the dog, named Cinnamon, to a local animal shelter. She has already been placed with a foster family.

“It’s devastating,” said animal shelter coordinator Nanette Moss. “I work with these dogs every day. They are my life and when she walked through my door it just broke my heart. She’s a sweet dog and how can somebody shoot a sweet dog?”

The woman will face no criminal charges since she gave Cinnamon to authorities.

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