Subway, is fast-food for persons who just can’t face the reality — point blank, period.
And according to an ‘anonymous’ staffer, customers striving to be extra healthy by selecting one of the chicken options might want to think again.

The declared franchise employee gave their recommendations when he hopped on Reddit and to answer any and all inquiries.
Indicating he is a store manager, the laborer opened the floodgates and insisted ‘ask me anything Subway related’.
One Reddit subscriber dived in head first to ask the one question we’ve all wanted to know: ‘Which items would you recommend? One to avoid and which would you say are highest quality/safest/best prepared?’

And the faceless manager said customers should stay away from the ‘stinky chicken’.
“Avoid: Chipotle Chicken and Teriyaki Chicken,” said the ‘manager’.
“Why? Chicken is given a two-day shelf life, once in the counter. However, these two (the sandwiches) bypass this and get four days, and can get a little stinky.
“Oh, roast beef, and meatballs too can be sketchy. I’d recommend anything else, though. Subway (at least my Subway) is very strict on quality control and dates. Steak is probably the freshest, and safest.”

However, as well as the malodorous poultry, the staff member did have some pleasant news to share with Reddit users.
Evidently, if you purchase a foot long the chances are you could in fact be getting more for your money.
The unspecified worker explained sandwiches are 20 per cent off between 7pm and 9pm. And too, if you get a 12-inch flatbread sandwich there’s a strong chance it could actually be 14 inches!
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