Cosmologist Stephen Hawking is no stranger to comedy. He has appeared on The Big Bang Theory and proved he had some jokes. Now, he is taking his talents to musicals. In honor of the upcoming Record Day, Hawking has collaborated with the guys of Monty Python to recreate their song, “Galaxy Song” from the film, The Meaning Of Life. The 1983 film is a Monty Python classic and the song is one of the most remembered parts.
“Galaxy Song” song was written by Python member Eric Idle, along with John Du Prez, and is “an intricate and informative lecture on the enor-mity of the Universe fashioned into a bewitching and, above all, highly amusing pop song,” according to the comedy troupe’s site.
The comedic video shows Hawking attacking a rival scientist that is talking about the inaccuracies in the “Galaxy Song.” Hawking comes flying in on his wheelchair and embarks on a trippy ride through the cosmos.
The song has been made available for download on iTunes.
Hawking is no stranger to music videos. He also appeared in this video for Pink Floyd’s “Talkin’ Hawkin’.”
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