If you’re familiar with the classic 1996 fusing of Bugs Bunny and basketball that is Space Jam, chances are that you love it. There’s something about the mix of slapstick Looney Tunes comedy and a traditional underdog sports movie plot that remains fresh even nearly 20 years since the film hit theaters.
That said, one facet of Space Jam that certainly isn’t fresh is its official web site. The homepages of most movies are removed from the internet soon after the film is forgotten — but, just as Space Jam lives on in the hearts and minds of its many fans, its incredibly dated web site is still up and running for anyone who wants to look ‘Behind the Jam’ or visit ‘Planet B-Ball’.
Two decades of internet history nearly came to an end this morning, however, when the site was taken offline for a few hours. There’s been no explanation thus far as to why this occurred — although, given recent events, you would have to imagine that hackers are at fault — but it’s safe to say that Twitter had a minor meltdown when users began to realize what had been lost.
???? RIP Space Jam website, 1996-2014
— BooDoo (@BooDooPerson) December 31, 2014
The year ends with a dreadful, sickening tragedy. 🙁 “@Pixel_Kaiser: The Space Jam website has finally gone offline. https://t.co/hBoEJNUu5a”
— David (@davidclewis) December 31, 2014
At first, the talk was as above — an abject kind of grief that can only come from an unexpected loss. However, it soon turned into a witch hunt to find the culprit. Everyone from hackers to the Mayans came under scrutiny.
— Simon and Carbuncle (@JetGrindFuture) December 31, 2014
The Space Jam site is down? C'mon Warner you were obligated to keep that up forever.
— Ryan Malis (@NayrmanBSC) December 31, 2014
However, balance was soon restored and the site made it back online. Twitter celebrated, safe in the knowledge that the internet wouldn’t be facing 2015 without one of its favorite web sites.
We all had a scare today, so let's all learn to never take the Space Jam website for granted. https://t.co/oexvvnMsfD
— whit, (@whitneyarner) December 31, 2014
False alarm, folks. Space Jam can never die. Space Jam is forever. https://t.co/2yoRylGEch
— William Carpenter (@WillCarpenterJR) December 31, 2014
I'm fairly out of it but reading Twitter this evening i think someone is rebooting Space Jam.
— Jon Lyus (@jonlyus) December 31, 2014
Were you aware of the Space Jam web site? Were you given a scare by its disappearance? Let us know in the comments section below, or get in touch via Twitter by following @SocialNewsDaily.