Social Media Week Opens Registration: 5 Days Of Events, 14 Cities Worldwide

Sneak peek at SMW's app

Registration for Social Media Week 2012 events is now open with a program of events taking place in fourteen cities around the world. The convention is just four weeks away from kicking-off, so here’s what you need to know:

The conference celebrates the social, cultural and economic impact of social media around the world. You can register for the September conference, powered by Nokia, on Social Media Week’s website, or (and this is cool) you can register for events by downloading their mobile app, which is available for download today (just click the link) for Windows Phone, iPhone, iPad and Android.

Between September 24th and 28th, Social Media Week 2012 will host a series of talks, debates, social meet-ups, and more. The events will take place in the cities of Bar

celona, Berlin, Bogotá, Chicago, Glasgow, Hong Kong, Jeddah, London, Los Angeles, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Torino and Vancouver, so if you’re down, there’s one happening (sort of) near you wherever you’re at.

Here’s Social Media Week’s event schedule. Easy to navigate, easy to use.

The schedule is subject to change, so follow #SMW12 for constant updates.

Jean-Pierre Fumey
Jean-Pierre Fumey is a multi-language communication expert and freelance journalist. He writes for and has over 8 years in media and PR. Jean-Pierre crafts engaging articles, handles communication projects, and visits conferences for the latest trends. His vast experience enriches with insightful and captivating content.


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