Social Media Sites See Record Number Of Visitors And Engagement In May

May Social Visitor Numbers - Twitter - Tumbler - LinkedIn

We hear all the time about Facebook and their 700 million users and massive number of pageviews, however it’s not just Facebook that has received massive visitor increases over the last 12 months, in May Linkedin, Twitter and Tumbler all witnessed record months in terms of visitors.

Check out the newest comScore report based on audience size for those social networks:

Based on that chart each site received the following number of visitors in May:

  • 33.4 million visitors, 58% growth in the past year
  • 27 million visitors, 13% growth in the past year
  • 10.7 million visitors, 166% growth in the past year

The numbers are impressive but still far behind Facebook’s 157.2 million visitors in May, an increase of 3.2 million visitors from April.

Just as impressive is the increase social media sites have received in terms of overall web traffic, increases in May have push those sites reach up to nearly 16% after a downturn in March and April of this year.

Here’s another ComScore graph showing Social Media engagement based on percentages:

James Kosur

James Kosur has worked in the new media space for the last 10 years, helping many publications build their audiences to millions of monthly readers. He currently serves as the CEO of Aven Enterprises LLC.


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