There are few things in this world better than seeing a small child react to Santa. The genuine amazement and pure joy that can clear a room is just adorable.
7-year-old Evan set up a camera on Christmas Eve in his house to hopefully catch a glimpse of Santa Claus. He placed the camera right next to the tree while keeping the plate of cookies and glass of milk in view too. Evan’s brother used his GoPro for the footage and his uncle, who played Santa, put in all the effects.
Evan’s uncle, Dean Fisher, posted this video to his YouTube channel the day after Christmas and has already gotten over 5 million views. Dean said, “I went to the house dressed as The Jolly One and did the shoot, then stayed up until 4:00am editing and getting the finished video back onto the GoPro. The 2 hours of sleep was definitely worth it.”
Truly a heartwarming video.
[Photo credit: YouTube]