Healthcare is not exactly an affordable modern need for a lot of countries. War is simply more alluring and more profitable, hence why governments choose to prioritize those instead. For that matter, expensive healthcare and a place to stay in is certainly worse if you are a senior citizen. Which is probably why one pensioner wants to retire at a holiday inn instead of a nursing home.
US citizen Terry Robison is not getting any younger. The man is already approaching his golden years and the state of healthcare for seniors in the US doesn’t look too appealing. In fact, nursing homes from where he lives can cost up to $188 per day according to his calculation. That is something Robison wants to avoid or finds problematic.
So, Robison believes he came up with a grander and more affordable solution: a holiday inn, THE Holiday Inn. Compared to a nursing home, it certainly looks more appealing too– it comes with a amenities, entertainment, a room with a view, and of course, it only costs $59.23/night after his Robison’s senior discount is applied.
But what about medical care for whenever Robison gets injured during his stay? Turns out, Holiday Inn’s Medicare will pay for that and Robison will also get transferred to a suite… for the rest of his life. Additionally, Robison also estimates a daily savings of $128.77 if he retires in the Holiday Inn instead of a nursing home. Here’s his full explanation:
As you can see, Robison’s plan is quite popular and has already had more than 100,000 shares. He should have kept it to himself, though, now Holiday Inn is going to be permanently fully booked with senior citizens.
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