Lipstick may be a pretty common item in today’s world but that hasn’t always been the case. People who wore lipstick used to be considered prostitutes, rebels, or even witches. Here are a few fun facts to celebrate National Lipstick Day.
Before the 16th century, some cultures believed that lipstick was connected to satanic rituals.
In 1770, British Parliament tried to ban lipstick. The proposed law would have annulled any marriage if the woman wore lipstick before her wedding day.
1770 – English Parliament bans lipstick. Women using it to “seduce men” should be “tried for witchcraft.” #NationalLipstickDay
— CabinetOfCuriosities (@wunderkamercast) July 29, 2014
Queen Elizabeth I is often credited for making lipstick fashionable. Her stark white face and bright red lips helped bring lipstick to high society. Queen Elizabeth II carried on the tradition and even had her own shade made for her coronation.
Did you know, Queen Elizabeth II commissioned her own lipstick shade to match her coronation robes at the 1952 ceremony #NationalLipstickDay — (@Beauty_Experts) July 29, 2014
Lipstick has been around for more than four thousand years. Women in ancient Mesopotamia used to grind colorful gems and then decorate their lips with the dust .
Maurice Levy is credited with inventing the modern lipstick tube in the early 1900s.
#lisptick cases by #MauriceLevy 1915 #makeup #cosmetics
— Debora Blogger (@BlogAndBlogger) July 28, 2014
Lipstick owes much of its popularity to the rise of photography and film. Greta Garbo, Joan Crawford, Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor are often credited as lipstick pioneers.
“Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.” ― Marilyn Monroe — KOHL (@KOHL_cosmetics) July 25, 2014
Today, nearly 80% of American women wear lipstick regularly while 20% “don’t leave home without it.”
Happy National Lipstick Day!
photo credit: coba via photopin cc