Moviegoers Are Taking Their Cues From Social [Nielsen Study]

Social media and movies

These days moviegoers are not just relying on movie critics to give theatrical releases two thumbs up in their local newspapers. Instead, they have started to gravitate towards Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms.

Regular viewers, movie reviewers, and others, are now using tweets, hashtags, and even photos, to attract attention to their impressions of various movies.

According to Nielsen’s 2013 American Moviegoing report, 41 percent of Millennials say they still check out a movie critics website, such as IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes. 8 out of 10 moviegoers also state that they check out a review before attending a showing.

Nielsen specifically examined how users on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google+ are using their favorite networks to tout a movie.

According to the study “40 percent say they value recommendations they see posted by their friends or family on social media.”

Approximately 81 percent of moviegoers said they used Facebook to decide on a movie, while 34 percent used Twitter,  and 21% say they used Pinterest (21%). Google+ is close behind with a 20% response, while Instagram rounds out the top five with 18%.

Have you used Twitter, Facebook, or other social media networks to decide on which movie viewing to attend?



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