Man Goes On A Dine-And-Dash Spree Ditching His Dates; Now Faces 10 Felony Counts

Dine and dash
Photo by Eater LA

Dating can be quite a nerve-wracking activity, especially when one is serious about finding a relationship. Hence, a lot of dates end up in disaster when the other party does not show up or ditches their unfortunate dates. However, that is not the reason why one man named Paul Gonzales kept leaving the women he invites on dates.

Photo by YouTube/Sandman

Gonzales has become quite notorious in the dating community after leaving more than eight women and at the same time doing a dine-and-dash– talk about two birds with one stone. Gonzales, a 45-year-old Californian would set up dates, meet up with the women, enjoy the meals– probably even the conversation, and then leave before the check arrives.

Photo by CBS News

Those eight women he victimized ended up having to pay the bill themselves. While that is quickly becoming a norm in modern society, most of the time, the guy does not leave them with the bill. There have also been two instances where the restaurants had to shoulder the bill themselves and one where the woman believed that Gonzales would pay her back.

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The women of California need not worry anymore, however, as Gonzales has already been taken into custody. The serial diner-and-dasher/date ditcher is facing 10 counts of felony. If convicted, Gonzales could be sentenced to as much as 13 years in jail. It was not clear what Gonzales’ intentions were for doing the alleged crimes as he refused any calls for an interview. Meanwhile, some of the victims commented that he was “good-looking” hence why they decided to go on a date with him and recalled that Gonzales went all out… with the food orders.

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Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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