Leon Purvis is one step closer to his coveted date with Olympic gold medalist Gabrielle Douglas.
You might recall that we’ve been following Purvis’ story for some time, mostly because it’s interesting, but also because he won’t stop DM-ing me on Twitter. Anyway, he’s a YouTube personality of some renown and respectable following who has reached out to a handful of celebrities over the years to ask them on a date.
He famously asked Justin Bieber to the prom a few years back (just as bros) and managed to get in touch with the Canadian singer, even though he ended up stag at the dance.
But Gabby Douglas is his most recent crush, and whether you think he’s sweet or creepy, you really have to admire this guy’s dedication. By our measure, he’s been at it for almost a year now, helped Gabby hit 800,000 followers on Twitter, has spoken with her and her mother through the social network, and has even recruited Steve Harvey in his quest for the gymnast’s heart.
I’m not sure I ever thought this kid was going to give up (and I’ve told him to a lot) but I’m the one with egg on my face today. Gabby and Leon actually had a pretty adorable DM convo this week. You can learn more about it below (turn the volume down, his opening catch-phrase is a little boisterous):
[Image: On Being, YouTube]