In a perfect world, we’d never have to write about Justin Bieber, but since we’re here we might as well have a little fun with it. In light of the news that the Canadian pop star was arrested for playing Fast and Furious in a rented Lambo while allegedly under the influence of drugs and alcohol, we’ve turned to Twitter to gauge the social pulse of this story.
There, two equally interesting (and diametrically opposed) hashtags have started trending.
The first (and higher-ranked) is #WeWillAlwaysSupportYouJustin, propagated by endless scores of Beliebers and Biebettes who have likely never lost anyone to a drunk driver before (but we’re willing to cut them some slack because most of them are teenagers, and teenagers can be unbelievably thoughtless and stupid sometimes).
The second is #DeportBieber, trending thanks to bandwagoners and people with little else to do but wade into a trending pop culture debate that they really don’t have any stake in (but we’re willing to cut them some slack because most of them have been funny).
So in honor of Bieber making bail, here’s a sample of the schizophrenic conversation on Twitter for you:
Justin was a boy living he’s dream, now he’s a man living a nightmare. #WeWillAlwaysSupportYouJustin everything’s gonna be alright.
— BELIEBER! (@Godsgirlbieber9) January 24, 2014
“God forbid that (Justin Bieber) should end up like James Dean.” Sacrilege to put Beiber on the same level. #DeportBieber
— Brian Castro (@bwc1209) January 24, 2014
“#WeWillAlwaysSupportYouJustin” I think it’s time I just went ahead and blew this planet to smithereens now.
— Majin Buu (@BuusMalice) January 24, 2014
@deepzouisea Of COURSE he’s smiling. He could crash into a preschool bus and his idiot fans would DEFEND him, and buy his CD.#DeportBieber
— Karen Brown (@kannbrown) January 24, 2014
stay strong: only 2 words but hard to do, especially if the whole world is against you #WeWillAlwaysSupportYouJustin
— (@teenkidrauhl) January 24, 2014
would your opinion change if he ended up killing someone? #DeportBieber
— Kevin (@kevinbowers527) January 24, 2014
— Fangirling is my job (@BellVeronika) January 24, 2014
Everyone is making fun of a partying, millionaire, 19 yo who was f’d up racing his Lambo? Having more fun than 99.99% of U? #DeportBieber
— theboogeydown (@theboogeydown) January 24, 2014
He saved mine and many others lives, now its our turn to save his. #WeWillAlwaysSupportYouJustin
— #ForeverHereJustin (@nooorabelieber) January 24, 2014
#deportbieber really? But let all these illegal Hispanics ruin this country and have their 30 kids and put them all on welfare. #logic
— Katie (@KMB_TW_1996) January 24, 2014
“I smile because i cant let my Beliebers see me broken.” -Justin Bieber #WeWillAlwaysSupportYouJustin
— BELIEVE (@__Kouichi) January 24, 2014
#DeportBieber Why does he get everyone’s support while hes drunk driving, high, and on pills. Whenever I am I get judged lol
— Big Scinto (@Big_Scinto420) January 24, 2014
I really just wanna hug him. I don’t wanna say a word just give him a damn hug #WeWillAlwaysSupportYouJustin
— Justin Bieber (@iBiebersSwaag) January 24, 2014
The internet is drunk and drag-racing itself to death today. #DeportBieber, really? How about we deport all your kids who do the same crap?
— Jon Hansen (@jonsothin) January 24, 2014
Lets forget those who hate Justin. And lets start praying for Justin so he feels better #WeWillAlwaysSupportYouJustin
— Jeliebers bro♚ (@selvinashawty) January 24, 2014
Everyone should sign the #DeportBieber petition beacuse he WILL end up killing an American in his car. Sign Here:
— Kevin Capolino (@KevinCapolino) January 24, 2014
Supporting beliebers Justin till the end #WeWillAlwaysSupportYouJustin #DirectionersAreHereForBeliebers
— ♕ (@all1dcrew) January 24, 2014
A quarter of US deportations are the parent of a citizen child. One rich kid shouldn’t be treated any differently. #DeportBieber #Affluenza
— Ben Robbins (@benrobbins) January 23, 2014
What do you say about Justin Bieber’s DUI? Support or deport?