Holy mackerel! Has anyone ever noticed that actress and Internet darling Jennifer Lawrence looks almost just like 50s actress Zubaida Tharwat?
It’s okay, I know you just grumbled “who the heck is Zubaida Tharwat” and opened another tab so you can search for photos of her on Google. I also know that when you see it, your reaction will either be “Nuh uh, you’re stupid” or “HOLY SHATBALLS.”
The latter is the reaction held by most redditors on this r/pics thread after someone claiming to be Tharwat’s grandchild posted the above side-by-side last night.
Tharwat isn’t exactly a dead-ringer for Lawrence in every single shot, but …
Yeah, she pretty much nails it, if you ask us.
Sound off! Do you think that Jennifer Lawrence bears a resemblance to Zubaida Tharwat?