Jeweler Attempts to Sue Anonymous Yelp User for 1-Star Review

After receiving negative feedback from a mysterious Yelp user known only as Linda G, a jewelry store owner is attempting to sue Yelp for defamation.


EL16446-2n the past, Yelp has been criticized for its methodology in approving or disapproving user reviews. Some business owners feel the service breeds negativity that affects their business, and Yelp has responded in recent months by improving their filtration system for user ratings and reviews. One business owner, however, feels he has the right to sue the company for defamation after a dissatisfied customer complained about his jewelry store.

The anonymous user, known only as Linda G, left a scathing review for Boston-based Pageo Jewelry, in which she complained about being shortchanged for some jewelry she sold back to the store.

“Run! Way overpriced, but worse than that is the ethics or LACK THEREOF!!

My husband, myself and some friends of ours were loyal customers of Pageo Newton, Nantucket and Boston. Together we spent 100s of thousands of dollars on some gorgeous but definitely way overpriced jewelry. It would be cheaper to fly to Italy, get a villa and buy it yourself!

…at one point I was in a very desperate situation and I sold my diamond ring to George my wedding ring/engagement ring. I was in abusive relationship… I thought I could trust him since I had given him so much business , but basically gave me not even near one 10th of what it was worth, but I was so desperate I took it so I could find a place to live and get away from my abusive husband who controlled all of our assets… George took all the jewelry that I had ever bought there and gave me peanuts for it!!”

Pageo Jewlers in Boston.
Pageo Jewlers in Boston.

George Pelz, owner of Pageo, reached out to Yelp and asked that the review be removed. Yelp decided not to comply. “Yelp examined the review,” wrote a lawyer representing the company, “[and] determined that it appeared to reflect the user’s personal experience and opinions.”

Pelz has brought a defamation case against Yelp and Linda G, calling the former a “Yelp terrorist”.

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