A woman has come forward regarding her utter incomprehension of a cloud that resembles Jesus Christ with outstretched arms.
Caroline Hawthorne was in her own world simply preparing a cup of tea when she peered out of her kitchen window and witnessed the silhouette of Jesus in the clouds with his arms stretched out. Acting fast, the 42-year-old promptly grabbed her iPhone SE and snapped the divine shot just moments prior to the cloud floating apart earlier this month. Hyped to spread the good news, Hawthorne sent the image to family members and friends, who equated the eerie photo to Jesus or an angelic being.

Hawthorne, who resides in Willenhall, West Midlands, explained: “It was really odd. The sky was quite cloudy and there was this weird cloud formation. People have been telling me it looks like an angel or Jesus with his arms outstretched. The rest of the sky was ordinarily cloudy except for this formation, which stayed there for a while. It was a bit eerie. It’s grey with an outline of white and looks like a tornado. In all probability, that’s what it was. It went past at 10.30 am but I made sure to get a picture before the cloud drifted apart.” She furthered: “It was so bizarre and I’ve never seen anything like it.”
In March 2019, Alfredo Lo Brutto, from Agropoli, noticed the figure of Jesus from Nazareth overflowing through some opaque clouds. He expressed: “I was enchanted by the view. I don’t often share pictures on social media, but when I took this one, I instantly felt like I wanted other people to see it because it was so beautiful.” However the Messiah wasn’t just relegated to the Italian skyline, he emerged as well in Argentina – and that’s right, you nailed it, there was someone on deck to seize his visit.
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