Insults come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. We can even laugh about them when delivered the right way on Comedy Night. However, one Starbucks customer was not feeling the insult that came free with their Grande-sized cup of white mocha.
This order upset a customer from St. Augustine, FL so much that its picture made the rounds on Twitter.
“DIABETES HERE I COME” – The message someone printed on a @Starbucks coffee cup served to a customer. @ActionNewsJax
— Kaitlyn Chana (@KaitlynANjax) April 8, 2016
“Diabetes, Here I Come.” Oy. We can’t help but wonder, what exactly went into that cup? More importantly, wh the heck would ever try pulling off this sort of sick joke?
The customer did have good reason to feel upset, as both his sisters have Type 1 Diabetes. Not cool, joker, not cool. Someone clearly crossed that line.
This @Starbucks customer tells me he wants the #Starbucks employee to know his sisters suffer from Type 1 diabetes.
— Kaitlyn Chana (@KaitlynANjax) April 8, 2016
@KaitlynANjax @Starbucks It is not funny… Making a joke from a lifetime disease just show zero care for others… Type1 is not a choice.
— (@diabetescureme) April 10, 2016
Who could have created such an insult? some Twitter users are saying that it was the barista who keyed in that nasty remark. If so, some one might be put on the rack to lose their job. And then there are some who are also more mobile-app savvy, and say it was the customer who keyed that in for his 15 seconds of internet fame.
@oggman @KaitlynANjax @Starbucks @ActionNewsJax baristas don’t write the note. It’s a mobile order; customer wrote it themselves. Chill, bro
— plurdawg (@arrrmandito) April 9, 2016
@KaitlynANjax @Starbucks did he also realize this is a mobile order and only the customer can put the name on the cup in mobile orders?
— Kevin Daniel (@KevinJDaniel) April 10, 2016
@KaitlynANjax @Starbucks you realize that ‘line is what the customer puts into the mobile app…so he did it for the publicity
— Sasho Windfeather (@SashoWolf) April 9, 2016
According to Action News Jax, the customer works nearby the Palencia Starbucks, and a fellow employer picks up the orders.
So, who did it? If we rule out the barista, as well as the customer, it’s quite possible the customer’s co-worker who punched in the orders on the app took this one joke way too far. Yikes.