Instagram Is Being Taken Over By #Menandcoffee


Social media is constantly trending with strange fads and ideas. For example, last month Design Taxi introduced us to an Instagram page called ‘HotDudesReading’. The page featured sneaky snapshots of men reading on the train and subway.

Well, it seems the obsession with cute guys has caught on. Introducing, ‘Menandcoffee’, an Instagram page featuring pictures of stylish men drinking coffee is taking the Internet by storm. Created by Vancouver-based social media strategist, Alex Tooby, users are invited to use the hashtag #menandcoffee for the chance to be featured on the page.

Not only does the page feature everyday men, it also features celebrities, such as this snapshot of James Franco enjoying some Joe with his dog.

Tooby has also created a page called ‘Womenandcoffee’. The page is based on the same concept and features women enjoying their coffee.

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