Indiana Signs Anti-LGBTQA Law, Twitter in Uproar


Indiana Governor Mike Pence has a lot of explaining to do — primarily, to Twitter.

Despite public outcries and vetoes from Indiana residents and companies alike, Governor Pence signed a religious freedom bill law Thursday morning last week. Critics have warned the governor that this bill would allow discrimination against the members of the LGBTQA community, predicting it would let businesses turn away or refuse service to customers based on religious grounds. He signed it anyway.

And the worst part? He has no plans of changing it whatsoever.

So, the Internet and its denizens took it upon themselves to give a big resounding “Heck, NO” on this decision.

CEOs decried this decision. Indianapolis-based Angie’s List had earlier plans of creating a expansion in Indiana, but cancelled with the development of Pence’s decision. Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman wrote an open letter expressing his stand on the discrimination law. Apple CEO Tim Cook reached out and reminded his followers how Apple welcomes everyone:

A number of personalities also had something to say on the law:

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