If LinkedIn Were Invented In The 1980s [Video]

LinkedIn 1980

LinkedIn is a complex social media system for business professionals and thanks to its sleek interface which provides ease of use with some great features 300 million people log into the system each month, however if the system was build on the back of a bulletin board system in the 1980s the results would have likely been very different.

In the video shown belowYouTube video creator Squirrel-Money, conceptualizes what LinkedIn would have looked like as a software program in the 1980s.

Would you be willing to “print out” a membership form and send away for a LinkedIn CD if that is what it ook?

On a scale of 1 to 100 I would say design standards are 200 compared to 25+ years ago.

[iframe src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/csuHU8B6Gg0″ width=”600″ height=”400″]

Thank goodness for .CSS, PHP and all other forms of modern programming languages.


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