Facebook App ‘Circle of Support’ Creates Community For Breast Cancer Patients [Video]

Circle Of Support

Circle of Support isn’t your typical Facebook app, it doesn’t try to sell anything and it actually serves a worthwhile purpose. The app was built with the specific purpose in mind, offering a support community for women living with metastatic breast cancer (MBC).

Using the Facebook community MBC sufferers can share their struggles, find support from friends, family and other community members and simply feel a sense of community among people in their same situation.

The Circle of Support app was created by Genentech, an RX firm that’s own research found that many MBC patients were not having their needs met because people around them didn’t fully understand their struggles.

Speaking to Mashable Susan Willson, a spokeswoman for Genentech said of the program:

“The Facebook app was designed as a part of this overarching program to provide additional support for people with MBC. As a company, we felt there was more we could be doing outside of the lab to support people with the disease. We wanted to match the innovation inside the lab with innovation outside of the lab.”

Using the Circle of Support app MBC sufferers can Facebook friends who they want to join their support network, choose suggested support activity ideas (weekly calls, trips out, etc) and more.

For MBC patients a support community is very important as the advanced form of Cancer has no cure and has spread from the breasts to other parts of the body.

[iframe src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/K1l4enUWJGM” width=”560″ height=”315″]

In the meantime Genentech should be applauded for its effort, last year Johnson Johnson and AstraZenecea shut down their Facebook pages after Facebook began requiring that comments be left open for user interaction. Genetech is one of those rare pharmaceuticals that is facing the public head on and in doing so helping hundreds of thousands of MBC sufferers who have very few places to turn.



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