From 2006 though 2009 Twitter acquired their users the best way possible for a tech company, through the prominence of online influencers.
Researchers at MIT recently analyzed that acquisition by examining Twitter growth in 408 U.S. cities, what they found was the network spread through “young, tech-savy innovators” and that the location didn’t really play a part in determining popularity of the social network.
Study co-author Marta González said in a statement:
“The big question for people in the industry is ‘How do we find the right person or hub to adopt our new app so that it will go viral?’ But we found that the lone tech-savvy person can’t do it; this also requires word of mouth. The social network needs geographical proximity. … In the U.S. anyway, space and similarity matter.”
It likely didn’t hurt the networks prominence when media outlets also began using the platform to break news and find influencer and non-influencer comments relating to certain topics.
Here’s the video (United States growth only):
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