How To Get Facebook Likes For Your Fan Page Or Piss People Off In The Process [Saturday Funny Post]

How To Not Get Friends for your Facebook Fan Page

We inevitably run across a few hundred websites each week, if not each day, that think the type of graphic shown above is 100% okay as long as you have a different look to your buttons and placements that make people pay attention. While the “nice boobies – TOUCH THEM!” graphic is enticing it all borders on begging and makes you sound like this:

Facebook Whining For Page Likes

The Oatmeal has other suggests so you don’t alienate your sites visitors or email list recipients:


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  1. If you want to get huge amount of likes to your fanpage, you can always buy them.
    there are many services on the internet, most of them are expensive, but if you google enough you can find some cheap ones, for example, they deliver 2500 likes for 8$ in 24hours, seems like a good deal for me.