Social networks have long become an integral part of our lives. According to a study of market-research group Nielsen, on average, Americans spend 11 hours a day watching videos, listening to music using social media, chatting, and reading news. Thanks to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks, we can immediately tell all our friends about important events in our lives. Now, people post on the Internet almost everything, the birth of a child, photos from holidays, gifts, and even what they ate for breakfast. Presently you can learn everything about a person’s life, just open his profile on the social network.
However, not only good events can be published on the Internet. Many people turn their profile into a personal blog and tell there about everything that happens to them every day. Even if you do not have thousands of subscribers and you do not expose every step of your life, it is not a bad idea to make a divorce announcement in social media. Dissolution of marriage is something that completely changes a life. And of course, your friends and family will pay attention to it. Therefore, with the help of a single message in a social network, you can notify everyone about your divorce and avoid recurring unpleasant questions and explanations. Last year Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan Tatum made a post announcing divorce on Facebook. Meek Mill and Nicki Minaj, Logic and his wife Jessica Andrea, Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett and many other celebrity couples also did the same.
Social networks are so firmly integrated into the lives that we tell there almost everything about ourselves. And it is natural that the question of how to announce separation is very relevant. Divorce Researchers in Carolina has found that social networks can be beneficial, especially for those people who have difficulties with communication offline. It is much easier for someone to make a post expressing their emotions and experiences than to talk about it. Besides, social networks can become a strong source of support, even if a person does not know you personally, by reading your post, can express his sympathy and words of support. Your subscribers will still love you, even if your life is not like a fairy tale. Now social networks and divorce may well be used in conjunction.
Facebook is still the most popular social network among Americans. Therefore, it is not surprising that most of the friends will be there. It is not necessary to write to each of them or to call; it is much easier to post a message that all your friends and relatives will see. But to avoid negative consequences, you need to understand the right ways how to announce divorce on Facebook.
Wait till everything will be sorted out
You need to write about your divorce when everything is clear. When you and your spouse both decided that you really want it. Talk to your spouse, discuss the main issues of your marriage dissolution, and lay it all out. Your post on Facebook should appear after you make the final decision. Because if you have not yet figured out everything, then it may turn out that in a week you change your mind about divorcing. Or even worse, when you didn’t inform your spouse about your intention, but have already written about it on the social network.
Ask permission from your spouse
Most likely, you and your spouse have a lot of mutual friends on Facebook. If you want to announce your divorce, or probably hire a divorce attorney, first find out the spouse what he or she thinks about it. Perhaps he would not like to tell anyone yet about it, or he needs time to realize what happened. In any case, the rush is not appropriate. Write about your divorce only when you both are ready to make such a statement. You can also make one post for two pages. Let the spouse read the message before posting it. You can also come up with a text together so that everything is brief and precise.
Be honest and positive
If you want to get a divorce, then the marriage was unhappy. Be honest with your subscribers; do not try to look better than your ex. Also, it’d better positively write a message. And yes, despite the seriousness of the situation, you can insert a couple of jokes into the post. Write clearly and reasonable about what happened, without going into details, and thank friends for their understanding and support. And of course, no need to write all your love story and how it all began. In order to reassure your relatives, you can say that you and your ex will remain friends (of course, if you really want it).
Don’t show dirty laundry
Everything that happened between you both is your own business, even if there was adultery. No need to tell all the details about what terrible things your ex did and blaming him how bad he is. Moreover, if your post will contain a lot of dirt, your friends may react negatively to it and begin to protect your ex. You make a message to inform about changes in your life, and not to make a drama out of everything. You will get much more support (and you really need it) if your post does not contain the charges and does not turn into a scandal.
Don’t fight in comments
Many of your subscribers will sympathize with you. But there will also be those who will provoke you or gloat. Do not react to their attacks. Quite possibly, their task is to make you angry. Therefore, it is not necessary to enter into an argument with such people and try to prove something. Just ignore them or even ban, always remain polite, don’t be nervous and don’t lose face.
Almost all of our important events, we are accustomed to reporting through social media. And this also applies to something terrible that happens to us. Divorce is stress in any case, even if the couple decided to terminate the marriage peacefully. But thanks to social networks, it is possible to gain a lot of support and kind words in a difficult period of life. Announcing your divorce on Facebook is a good idea. This will provide an opportunity to share your experiences with all friends at once and avoid an unpleasant moment when the same information comes to repeat to different people. And perhaps one of your friends also goes through a divorce and after seeing your post, he will understand that he is not alone.