Gangnam Style has taken over, recently becoming the most watched YouTube video of all time. The video now has over 840 million views and has a good chance of hitting 1 billion by the end of the year.
JibJab, a site known for their funny custom ecards, added Gangnam Style to the mix. Now anyone can add themselves to the music video and share their creation on the web.
Here’s how to create your very own:
- First, go here. A preview will automatically play to give you an idea of what it’ll look like.
- Click the red “Make Your Own” button.
- Select “Upload” or “Use Facebook Photos” to find an image of yourself or a friend/family member that you want to use.
- Once you’ve uploaded an image, you’ll need to zoom and/or rotate to have it center just right.
- Click the green “Next” button and you’ll be able to better fine-tune your image.
- Hit “Next” again and now you get to line up the mouth properly. JibJab gives easy instructions on how to do so.
- Select “Animate mouth” to see if it’s lined up and once you’re satisfied, hit “Next.”
- Enter a name, gender, who is in the image, and hit “Done.”
- Drag and drop your image to the video. Select the gray “Preview” button on the right to make sure it’s good.
- Click the green “Done” button and you’re presented with the video.
- Add a message if sending to someone or skip if not.
- Share your video on Facebook, email, or download.
If you want to download the video, JibJab charges a $4.99 fee. This is a fun way to make yourself a part of Gangnam Style or have fun with friends and family members.
Below is a video of the finished product featuring yours truly.
wow this makes no sense.