How Is Pope Benedict XVI Faring On Twitter?

Not awesome.

Pope Benedict XVI’s @Pontifex account went live on December 3, and as of this writing (December 20) he boasts 1,253,015 followers on a whopping total of nine tweets. Most of those tweets were posted on December 12, with the remaining two posted yesterday (December 19).

I don’t mean to insult His Holiness, but most of his tweets aren’t exactly what I would have expected from one of the world’s top spiritual leaders. Some of these little gems could have easily been tweeted by your college’s Campus Crusade chapter:

Problematically, it’s hard to tell how many of Pope Benny’s followers are there for spiritual guidance when so many are clearly there to flame him.

Still, he has over one million followers in just a few weeks. Most of them have to be believers turning to @Pontifex for daily spiritual guidance the world over, right?

@Pontifex followers map

That right there is a map showing where @Pontifex’s followers are concentrated throughout the world. Floating Sheep reports:

“Map based on all followers of @pontifex on December 08 2012. Of the pope’s 546,765 followers on that date, 283,796 could be geocoded based on their user-provided location information. A location quotient was calculated by normalizing the number of followers of @pontifex by the total population of Twitter users in each country. The total population of Twitter users is approximated based on a sample of 100,000 Twitter users taken in July 2012.”

Not the best showing. To drive the point home, i09 opines that the map only goes to show that the world is filled with “godless heathens.”

Of course, it only proves what we’ve been saying all along. Love him or hate him, Pope Benedict XVI joining Twitter was a very very bad idea.

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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