Home For The Holidays! The 8 People You Always Run Into [Video]

Home for the holidays

It’s that time of the year, the holidays. A time to pack up and head home for a visit. A trip back to your hometown always goes the same way. It never fails. You run into the exact same people and have the exact same experiences, as the video below shows.

Going home means you get to see your beloved family. Visit that great cafe you used to frequent. Check out your old haunts. A visit home can be cleansing for the soul. It can also be stressful. There is several people that you want to avoid, but it never fails. You always manage to run into them. You know the types:

The stoner. The person that never managed to grow up. Still hangs at the same places, still living in their parent’s basement. You know.

The guy who never left. This is the person that judges you for getting out of town. What, you too good for your hometown? Umm, yes. That is why I don’t live here anymore.

The best friend. You know, you two were inseparable. Now, the thought of having to have a polite conversation seems excruciating. They know way too much about your past.

The one who got away. It never fails, you will see this person everywhere. Most likely with their significant other.

Your mom. Bless her heart. You will always be her little baby and she isn’t ashamed to tell everyone.

Your priest. Of course, he has to remind you. “Haven’t seen you in a while.” Well, yea. That’s the idea.

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