Google+ Keeps Users Better Protected With Updated Reporting Tools

Google+ has over 100 million monthly active users and to keep its community better protected, the social media site has rolled out several new features when it comes to reporting other users. Up until this point, functionality was rather basic and was the same both in the stream and in Hangouts.

One of the first changes is better reporting content in the stream. Whether it’s dealing with posts, comments, photos, or profiles, there are several new options to choose from. Once you’ve marked an individual or content for a report, you’ll be presented with several options:

  • A picture of me I don’t like.
  • Unwanted commercial content or spam.
  • Pornography or sexually explicit material.
  • Hate speech or violent behavior.
  • Harassing behavior.
  • Copyrighted material.
  • This person’s account might be compromised or hacked.

Some of these existed before, but new options allow Google+ to get a better idea of exactly why someone is being reported and allows administrators to more quickly deal with the issue. With Hangouts, report abuse functionality has been upgraded to now include a quick video snippet of the supposed offender.

Unfortunately, there are sometimes issues, more specifically in public Hangouts, where someone will come in and, say, show their penis. Previously, when you would block and report someone in a Hangout, you’d not longer see their video or hear them.

Now when you report and block someone, that will still happen. However, a portion of the Hangout will be recorded and sent off to the abuse team for review to better get an idea if someone should be suspended or even permanently banned from Google+.



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