Foodspotting Offers Trip to Ireland to One Lucky User

Sharing pictures of food on social networks is a kind of “love it or hate it” activity. As an early food-pic-sharer, I happen to be quite fond of the practice. (Which leads to several “WTF?” comments on Facebook when I post a new pic of my disco fries.)

Which is why I was so impressed by the Foodspotting concept. Kind of like a social network for foodies, Foodspotting allows for dynamic, location based sharing and finding of food images and experiences. Although the app has yet to become hugely widespread, there is enough content on it to definitely make it a worthwhile download if you like to see what’s available wherever you happen to be at that second.

Although sushi places and burger joints are well represented in the US landscape of food, Irish cuisine is markedly less spottable. But Foodspotting is encouraging sightings of the elusive genre via a fun contest. Users are encouraged to “spot” any of the items on the list below to win a trip to Ireland- and the more entries you submit, the higher your chances of winning:

Eligible Irish dishes include:
– Black Pudding
– Boxty
– Corned Beef
– Cottage Pie
– Guinness
– Irish Breakfast
– Irish Coffee
– Irish Soda Bread
– Mead
– Smithwick’s Beer
– Whiskey

You can learn a bit more about the contest here. Have you been using Foodspotting on your iPhone? What do you think of the app?



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