Fireworks And Fishing: Just Another Day in Sweden [Video]


Playing with fireworks is fun, no matter what the climate. A couple of Swedes have found a way to combine the national pastime of ice fishing with the pyrotechnic pastime. Check out what happens when the two are mixed together. It’s just another day in Sweden, I suppose.

This video has gone viral and is considered “on the rise” by

It’s pretty incredible to see the outcome of what the bottle rocket does when it ignites. So, what are you waiting for? Grab some fireworks and find your nearest frozen lake. It is the middle of winter for some of us, right?

Plus, if the ice bucket challenge was such a trend, this should be insanely popularly very soon… #fireworkfishing

Challenger Explosion Or Fireworks? American Apparel Apologizes For Tumblr Mistake

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