Fathers Hook Kids up To Lie Detector Machines; Hilarity Ensues


Happy Father’s Day!

Distractify has done it again with another zany video to share just in time for Father’s Day. They’ve taken a number of father and kid pairs and set them up in what might be dad’s dream prank: have their kid in the lie detector hot seat and shoot all the awkward questions at them.

Boy, did things get awkward fast for dad.

The questions ranged from little secrets : cheating on exams, tattoos in unknown locations (don’t tell mom!), and more. It got a lot more personal from there on — Did you ever use any money I gave you for pot? Have you had sex in the house? Did you ever steal from your mother or me? Have you ever walked in or heard us (your mother and me) having sex?


Surprisingly, a lot of the children (now young adults) were pretty candid about the naughty stuff they’d done or witnessed, much to the combined amusement and mortification of their dads.

So why exactly do kids lie? It’s something in Psychology known as strategic disclosure, and it’s actually more complicated that most of us think. Teens will choose to lie to their parents about parts of their life where the legitimacy of parental authority is a lot more ambiguous than others. (In other words, teens may feel these parts of their lives are things parents don’t really get to have a say on establishing cold, hard rules about, such as sex and dating, maybe even choice in friends and other experiences.) It’s also a way for teens and children to establish privacy boundaries, which is actually pretty healthy as long as there’s trust going on between the parent and child.

But seriously, we do think these dads already knew what was up 90% of the time. It was just a matter of a little push in the right direction of confirming their suspicions. Besides, they’ve been through all that themselves, too. Most of it, at least.

We love you, dads!

Watch the dad-and-kid awkwardness and hilarity ensue below:

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