Facebook, Twitter Mobile Users Will Increase 36% By 2017

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Facebook and Twitter continue to grow, and according to new data from eMarketer, both platforms are showing no signs of slowing down on mobile. The market research company estimated mobile growth of both social networks in the U.S. between 2011 and 2017.

According to eMarketer, 28 million people will access Twitter from their mobile phones every month in 2013, an increase of 22 percent compared to 2012. By 2017, that number will increase to 43.3 million.

8.8 percent of total mobile phone users access Twitter, and by 2017 one out of every five smartphone users will access Twitter from their device monthly.

76 percent of U.S. users will access from their mobile phones, and that number is expected to increase to 87 percent in 2017.


Monthly mobile Facebook users share a similar growth pattern, increasing from 99.2 million in 2013 to 154.7 million in 2017.

Despite these larger numbers, only 67.6 percent of U.S. users access Facebook from a mobile phone, nearly 10 percent less than Twitter.

However, by the year 2017, that number will increase to a massive 95.5 percent.


eMarketer’s estimates appear to be very conservative, at least when compared to Facebook’s most recent numbers.

As of June 2013, Facebook claims it has 142 million monthly active mobile users in the U.S., around 43 million more than these new estimates.



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