Facebook Pulls Same Sex Civil Union Post From Fan Page Wall

Facebook Pulls Gay Marriage Support Post

Facebook has come under fire many times for their quick ability to pull pictures of same-sex couple’s kissing or even simply embracing, that’s why it didn’t surprise me in the least when on Monday we received a letter at my full-time gig (Inquisitr.com) in which Facebook pulled a story one of our writers had written which outlined a new same sex civil union law in Delaware.

The screenshot posted above was received from Facebook. As you’ll notice the post provided the simple statement “Like if you support gay marriage in your state!” It then linked to a self descriptive URL that clearly shows the newsworthiness of the story.

The article even down to it’s most basic news reporting is not outwardly offensive to any one group, it does not shout support for same sex civil unions from the hilltops or denounce it as a villainous practice of sinners, it simply reports the news. For example it doesn’t rely on hate speech, fear mongering or other attacks against the gay community or against those who oppose the gay community.

The post which was found at Facebook.com/TheInquisitr before its removal not only was not offensive, it had received more than 5,000 “Likes” from the Facebook community in less than a 12 hour period with hundreds of comments for and against the law along with several hundred direct Facebook wall shares.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has long claimsed that his social network is responsible for helping the unjust organize and allow their voices to be heard so I ask him, where were you on this one Mark?

James Kosur

James Kosur has worked in the new media space for the last 10 years, helping many publications build their audiences to millions of monthly readers. He currently serves as the CEO of Aven Enterprises LLC.


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