Facebook: “Like” Too Much Stuff And We’ll Disable That Feature On Your Account

Mike Doughty

Facebook has decided that users shouldn’t be able to “like” too much stuff too quickly, at least that’s what happened to Mike Doughty of Soul Coughing fame when he began liking to many birthday wishes from his friends and Facebook fought back against him.

In an email sent to Doughty which he then posted on his Tumblr account the social networking company said:

Block! You are engaging in behavior that may be considered annoying or abusive by other users.

You have been blocked from using the like feature because you repeatedly misused this feature. This block will last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. When you are allowed to reuse this feature, please proceed with caution. Further misuse may result in your account being permanently disabled.

So there you have it, you can’t “like” too much stuff because it could make you not like anything at all for a few hours or possibly a few days.

James Kosur

James Kosur has worked in the new media space for the last 10 years, helping many publications build their audiences to millions of monthly readers. He currently serves as the CEO of Aven Enterprises LLC.

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