Facebook Could Double Users In Next Two Years

Just last week, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, announced some pretty impressive news: The social network now has over 1 Billion monthly active users. Yes, that’s Billion with a B. Many saw the number coming and knew it was going to happen eventually, but now that it’s a reality, just goes to show how powerful the site is.

Despite the various privacy concerns and their rather lackluster stock price, that doesn’t seem to have affected growth at all. Over on The Huffington Post, John Pavley wrote about his prediction on how Facebook could reach an astounding two Billion users by 2014. While that sounds like a huge jump, well, it is. However, his findings seem to be pretty on par with the actual growth of the World’s largest social network.

Looking at the patterns, it took Facebook four years from 2004 to 2008 to get their first 100 Million users. Then, just one year after that, September of 2009, they tripled that number to 300 Million. Now, just three years after that number, they have over 1 Billion users.

The growth of the social network has increased by leaps and bounds over the years and what once took four years to gain 100 Million users, Facebook just recently gained that many users in a less than six month period.

People will continue to spend time where their friends and family are and Facebook is still that place. Whether John’s prediction will ring true is another story, but all signs point to the prediction being rather promising, long as they don’t lose traction to Google+.



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