As expected, Twitter is obsessed with the Mayan Apocalypse right now.
Though several Mayan-related terms are currently trending, the most interesting tweets are tagged #EndOfTheWorldConfessions, on this, the eve of the end of days.
The only sad thing about #EndOfTheWorldConfessions is that it half of the tweets you end up scrolling through are shameless copypasta. Like Mayan Apocalypse conspiracy hippies, we too are seeing several strange patterns emerging:
The easy prank show reference:
#endoftheworldconfessions im an actor hes an actor we are all actors and youre on MTVs disaster day
— logan. (@fvcklogan) December 21, 2012
#endoftheworldconfessions I’m an actor he’s an actor we’re all actors and you’re on MTV’s disaster day — Fazio. (@LaurenFazioo_) December 21, 2012
The Mean Girls reference:
#endoftheworldconfessions one time Regina George punched me in the was awesome — Brianna Filosa (@BriannaFilosa) December 21, 2012
#endoftheworldconfessions I have felt personally victimized by Regina George — samantha pulaski(@xsaamannnthhax) December 21, 2012
And of course, garden-variety superiority complexes:
#endoftheworldconfessions id be careful with confessing, we’re still gonna be here tomorrow, and the next day.. — anner. (@annabannanna16) December 21, 2012
#endoftheworldconfessions I’d be careful about what you confess considering we’re still gonna be here tomorrow , and the next day … — Tweetin Tay✌ (@TaySarratt) December 21, 2012
But there have also been some hilarious #EndOfTheWorldConfessions tweets. Congratulations, following tweeps. You’re doing it right:
#endoftheworldconfessions in preschool a girl pulled down her pants and I freaked out and asked my mom why she didn’t have a wiener — Daniel Tosh (@itsDannyTosh) December 21, 2012
I’m black. Sorry you all had to find out this way. #endoftheworldconfessions — sun. (@3rdeyeGyp) December 21, 2012
#endoftheworldconfessions when I was a kid, I used to believe that when you put bills into a vending machine, it shredded them.
— J.D. (@iownjd) December 21, 2012
#EndOfTheWorldConfessions i wasn’t even gonna come this year cba
— Banta Claus (@Santa_Bantaa) December 20, 2012
Hilarious! Oh and here’s one from me, for good measure:
#EndOfTheWorldConfessions I haven’t paid taxes yet. Just in case.
— Dusten Carlson (@DustenIQ) December 21, 2012
How long has it been since your last #EndOfTheWorldConfessions?