Durex on the World Cup and Real Life: #DontFakeit

Durex World Cup ad

Everyone knows that footballers have the power to exaggerate their reactions even when the bump/hit won’t hurt a fly. (Although it’s not their exclusive realm – NBA players have been flopping all over the place.)

But Durex is jumping on the World Cup bandwagon to promote their brand using the hashtag #DontFakeit. Whether on the pitch or in real life, their message is: it’s not cool.

This Durex ad shows totally inane fakers on the pitch, but keeps it clean without a shadow or a peep of the condom. Maybe they’re trying to fly under the radar of condom ad haters on Twitter?

The Durex ad has been described as perhaps the best commercial for this World Cup, but I beg to disagree. Just take a look at Nike’s, and you’ll know what I mean.



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