A dad accused of stabbing his toddler 76 times, after convincing himself the child was the devil, has been found not guilty due to mental illness.

The 38-year-old father, who’s been diagnosed with schizophrenia, has been acquitted of murder after it was determined he stabbed his five-year-old son during a psychotic episode. Acting Justice Peter Hidden explained on Tuesday he was convinced the man didn’t realize what he was doing, deeming it a “tragic case.” The dad, who remains unidentified for legal reasons, on June 8, 2018 ambushed his son in their home in Sydney after the boy’s grandmother and mother had left, local news reports. “I just murdered my son. I feel sick. I thought my son was the devil. Well, I know he is, but he’s dead now, at least I think he is dead,” the man expressed to law enforcement when they arrived on the scene. The befuddled parent was under the notion that doomsday was forthcoming and his son was “trying to tear” apart his soul.
When the slayer was taken back into custody, reportedly his family shrieked to him they loved him and that it was not his fault. The court heard the dad had been diagnosed in 2003 with schizophrenia. His mother and partner tried to have him admitted to hospital measly days prior to the death of his son, however there was no space. The fella’s mum begged emergency services not to hurt her child when she confessed he had murdered her grandchild. Two forensic psychiatrists submitted their reports to the court, with one physician asserting the man had acted under “delusional belief” that his child was the devil. The dad will indefinitely be restricted to a mental health screening unit.
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