Cheating Husbands? Facebook Photo Goes Viral, Claims Men Bragged About Affairs

Facebook Posts Catches Cheating Husbands

Want to catch your cheating husband? Perhaps you should be paying closer attention to Facebook photo posts.

Two men who were not expecting to be spotted by their wives were caught when a Facebook photograph went viral.

The men were riding on a train and were openly talking about cheating on their wives when a female passenger snapped their photo.

The female train passenger then posted the following caption on Facebook:

“If this is your husband, I have endured a 2 hour train ride from Philadelphia listening to this loser and his friends brag about their multiple affairs and how their wives are too stupid to catch on. Oh please repost …”

Only minutes after the photo was posted it was shared by thousands of Facebook users.

There are still a lot of questions left following the Facebook viral post. We don’t know if the men were caught by their wives and to be quite honest we don’t even know if the story is true.

As public shaming becomes more prevalent because of social media we are all left to question what is fact and what is fiction.

Here’s to hoping this story isn’t fake and a few poor guys weren’t called out for something they never really did.

[Image via now.msn]



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  1. I online date and many men do not realize how easy it is to locate them via their email address. If I find he is married I print off all the communications and send it to his home address. Marked MRS and his name. I think if you cheat you really want to be single so I am doing you a favor, kind of helping you achieve a dream. YOUR WELCOME.

  2. I online date and many men do not realize how easy it is to locate them via their email address. If I find he is married I print off all the communications and send it to his home address. Marked MRS and his name. I think if you cheat you really want to be single so I am doing you a favor, kind of helping you achieve a dream. YOUR WELCOME.

  3. I online date and many men do not realize how easy it is to locate them via their email address. If I find he is married I print off all the communications and send it to his home address. Marked MRS and his name. I think if you cheat you really want to be single so I am doing you a favor, kind of helping you achieve a dream. YOUR WELCOME.

  4. This is sad… if it is true. People don't value marriage the way its supposed to be anymore.. its horrible. =/

  5. This is sad… if it is true. People don't value marriage the way its supposed to be anymore.. its horrible. =/

  6. This is sad… if it is true. People don't value marriage the way its supposed to be anymore.. its horrible. =/

  7. I would have never thought of posting a picture onto Facebook or anything like that, but IF it is true, those wives do deserve to know, but I agree, it isn't true, and the wives see it, there will be a lot of unneeded trouble in those households.

  8. I would have never thought of posting a picture onto Facebook or anything like that, but IF it is true, those wives do deserve to know, but I agree, it isn't true, and the wives see it, there will be a lot of unneeded trouble in those households.

  9. I would have never thought of posting a picture onto Facebook or anything like that, but IF it is true, those wives do deserve to know, but I agree, it isn't true, and the wives see it, there will be a lot of unneeded trouble in those households.