Catfish’s Justin & Artis Are Best Friends Now, Might Launch YouTube Channel [Video]

catfish justin and artis

Remember Justin Voel-Pel and Artis from that really weird episode of MTV’s Catfish last season? They’ve buried the hatchet and gone into business together.

Artis was the subject of the Season 2 episode “Artis Jess,” which chronicled his attempt to escape a relationship on the rocks and explore the romantic possibilities with an attractive blonde he had met online. In a shocking twist ending, “Jess” turned out to be Justin, a slightly-unnerving, larger-than-life online dating vigilante with an enigmatic (and, as it was hinted, abusive) past.

The climax of the episode was obviously staged (Justin has no comment on that), but even still, it was a pretty unbelievable 15 minutes of television. GIFs were made.

Artis Jess

Artis Jess catfish

Catfish has its critics, but no one ever said it isn’t entertaining.

Suspicions that Justin could have been a hired actor caused a number of bloggers to investigate who in the heck he is, but he hadn’t left much of an online footprint aside from a few cryptic YouTube videos.

Though the story sort of stopped there, both Justin and Artis have been plenty busy in the meantime.

They’ve buried the hatchet, become best friends, and have apparently pitched an idea for a show to MTV and the Catfish crew. Justin says the show would be a reality TV show “about nothing,” like Seinfeld, but starring Justin and Artis.

MTV isn’t biting right now, so Justin and Artis have considered starting up on YouTube instead.

Thus, Justin Voel-Pel has joined Twitter:

They’ve made a couple of YouTube videos together, as well. Here’s one:

We don’t know if anything will come of this, but needless to say, it’s kind of interesting to see two Catfish arch-frenemies become pals and try to get their own show.

You can follow Justin Voel-Pel on Twitter for the latest (and the rest of his videos with Artis). What do you think, Catfish fans? Would you watch a Justin Artis Do Nothing reality TV show?

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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