About one year ago, Protein World launched an advertising campaign called #BeachBodyReady, and in no time, people were trashing it. As the summer approaches, people are starting to gear up to get their “beach bodies” and there’s some reminiscing of the billboard that started it all.
Here’s the original billboard with a little fanfare thrown in. People, especially feminists and anybody pushing positive body image are disgusted with this kind of ad and they took to the streets to tell Protein World how they really feel about being #BeachBodyReady. There was even a fun little Twitter battle between Protein World and the socially-minded Twitter users that ended less than happily.
There was a good deal of graffiti to go along with the #BeachBodyReady billboard. Apparently, the images were plastered all over the London Underground and in a lot of other heavily trafficked areas and this just isn’t the kind of thing that people like to see on their way to work.
And then somebody made this and they should probably get an award for it.
There are also a lot of photoshops that do the original billboard justice.
This one has got to be one of our favorites, who ever came up with the idea of using a post-it to get their point across made a wise decision.
Featured Image: [Tumblr/OhItsTheWierdAndTheWild]
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