Driver Captures Footage Of ‘Batman’ Pulled Over In Batmobile [Video]

A driver on a road in Ontario captured footage of the moment a man in a full Batman costume was pulled over by police in his Batmobile.

CAUGHT ON TAPE: ‘Brampton Batman’ gets stopped by police; Photo: In Brampton

The video reveals the ‘Batmobile’, a replica of the super car featured in the 1990’s Batman films.

Locally known as the ‘Brampton Batman’, the driver is seen standing next to the dramatic vehicle and talking to a police officer.

“Batman’s going to be a little late folks,” the taper wrote.

“Got to love how he cape sweeps the ground, upon exiting the Batmobile. Committed to the character, he loves it!”

Out of nowhere, a police officer looked up and a ‘Batmobile’ emerged; Photo: Giphy

The videographer said it didn’t seem that Batman was in any serious trouble with law enforcement.

“I pulled over up ahead and waited and they didn’t come so I think she was just telling him to get back in the car. He’s lucky. She was behind him for a minute with the lights on trying to pull him over. I don’t know if he didn’t see her or what. Never get out of your vehicle and approach an officer,” wrote the filmer.

As far as the Batman franchise goes, many consider Michael Keaton to be the best actor ever to play the vigilante.

“I am Batman,” Keaton stated to Stephen Colbert in 2017, highlighting the fact that he remains the Wayne Enterprise heir to this day.


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